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contoh kalimat after the

"after the" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • It was after the Islamic Revolution of 1979.
    Itu adalah setelah Revolusi Islam di tahun 1979.
  • But after the feeling of surprise, I felt shame.
    Tapi setelah merasa terkejut, saya merasa malu.
  • They say they're going right after the concert.
    Mereka bilang mereka akan pergi tepat setelah konser.
  • And it came to pass, after the stifling night of terror;
    Dan terjadilah, setelah malam mengerikan.
  • I thought you were looking after the old man.
    Aku pikir kau merawat orang tua itu.
  • You drive him and you pick him up after the job.
    Kau antar dan jemput dia.
  • "When they're all chasing after the poor bloody fox.
    "Ketika mereka semua mengejar rubah berdarah miskin
  • after the lies you told him back there?
    Setelah kebohongan Anda mengatakan kepadanya kembali ke sana?
  • After the extinction of the dinosaurs, many different forms developed.
    Setelah kepunahan dinosaurus, berbagai bentuk dikembangkan.
  • You want to maybe consider going after the Blues Brothers?
    kau akan mengejar the Blues Brothers?
  • Guess Baldy was after the girls again.
    aku yakin si botak pasti bermain dengan perempuan lagi.
  • It's after the girl on the tower.
    Robot itu sedang mengejar si gadis di atas menara.
  • After the shower, I'll take you back the station.
    Setelah mandi, saya akan membawamu kembali stasiun.
  • You stayed after the army failed to re-supply us.
    Kalian tinggal setelah militer gagal memasok kami.
  • After the wedding, you're out on the streets.
    Setelah pernikahan , Anda keluar di jalan-jalan .
  • After the first shot, we lost our gravitational field.
    Setelah tembakan pertama, kami kehilangan medan gravitasi.
  • I′ll fiber-op you back after the parole hearings.
    Aku akan sambungkan kau ke sidang pembebasan bersyarat.
  • No. The original disappeared from the files after the incident.
    Apa laporan otopsinya ada di sini?
  • After the first breeding successes, the program expanded rapidly.
    Setelah keberhasilan penangkaran pertama, program berkembang pesat.
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